


Ant Path

A flux animation (like walking of ants) along a polyline.

Boat Marker

A boat marker using HTML canvas for displaying yachts and sailboats with heading and optional wind information.

Beautify Icon

Lightweight plugin that adds colorful iconic markers without image and gives full control of style to end user (i.e. Unlimited colors and CSS styling).


Enables drawing features like polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles and markers through a very nice user-friendly interface with icons and hints.

Dual Map

Synchronized view of two maps in the same window.

FeatureGroup Subgroup

Create Feature Groups that add their child layers into a parent group.

Float Image

Add a floating image in the HTML canvas on top of the map.


A fullscreen button control for modern browsers, using HTML Fullscreen API.


A clean and extensible control for both geocoding and reverse geocoding using different geocoding providers.

Grouped Layer Control

Create layer control with support for grouping overlays together.


A tiny, simple and fast heatmap plugin.

Heatmap with Time

Create a time-aware heatmap.

Locate Control

Geolocate a user over an encrypted connection.

Marker Cluster

Beautiful, sophisticated, high performance marker clustering solution with smooth animations.

Measure Control

Coordinate, linear, and area measure control.

Mini Map

A small minimap showing the map at a different scale to aid navigation.

Mouse Position

A control that displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved over the map.

Overlapping Marker Spiderifier

Help manage overlapping markers by “spiderfying” them when clicked, making it easier to select individual markers.


Add support for pattern fills on Paths.

Polygon Encoded

Draw a polygon directly from an encoded string.

Polyline Encoded

Draw a polyline directly from an encoded string.

Polyline Offset

Shift relative pixel offset, without actually changing the actual latitude longitude values.

Polyline Textpath

Write text along polylines.


Put realtime data (like live tracking, GPS information) on a map.

Scroll Zoom Toggler

Enable/Disable zooming via a button.


A control for search Markers/Features location by custom property in LayerGroup/GeoJSON.

Semi Circle

Add a marker in the shape of a semicircle, similar to the Circle class.

Side by Side Layers

A control to add a split screen to compare two map overlays.

Tag Filter Button

Creates a Tag Filter Button to filter elements based on different criteria.


Overlay day and night regions on a map.


Create a timeline with a time slider for geojson data with start and end times.

Timeslider Choropleth

Create a choropleth with a timeslider for timestamped data.

Timestamped GeoJSON

Add GeoJSON data with timestamps to a map.


Add a control for a tree of layers with checkboxes for visibility control.

Vector Tiles using VectorGridProtobuf

Display gridded vector data (GeoJSON or TopoJSON sliced with geojson-vt, or protobuf vector tiles).

WMS Time Dimension

Create a time-aware WmsTileLayer.