Plugins ------- .. toctree:: :hidden: plugins/antpath plugins/boat_marker plugins/beautify_icon plugins/draw plugins/dual_map plugins/featuregroup_subgroup plugins/float_image plugins/fullscreen plugins/geocoder plugins/grouped_layer_control plugins/heatmap plugins/heatmap_with_time plugins/locate_control plugins/marker_cluster plugins/mini_map plugins/measure_control plugins/mouse_position plugins/overlapping_marker_spiderfier plugins/pattern plugins/polygon_encoded plugins/polyline_encoded plugins/polyline_offset plugins/polyline_textpath plugins/realtime plugins/scroll_zoom_toggler plugins/search plugins/semi_circle plugins/side_by_side_layers plugins/tag_filter_button plugins/terminator plugins/timeline plugins/timeslider_choropleth plugins/timestamped_geojson plugins/treelayercontrol plugins/vector_tiles plugins/WmsTimeDimension .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Plugin - Description * - :doc:`Ant Path <plugins/antpath>` - A flux animation (like walking of ants) along a polyline. * - :doc:`Boat Marker <plugins/boat_marker>` - A boat marker using HTML canvas for displaying yachts and sailboats with heading and optional wind information. * - :doc:`Beautify Icon <plugins/beautify_icon>` - Lightweight plugin that adds colorful iconic markers without image and gives full control of style to end user (i.e. Unlimited colors and CSS styling). * - :doc:`Draw <plugins/draw>` - Enables drawing features like polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles and markers through a very nice user-friendly interface with icons and hints. * - :doc:`Dual Map <plugins/dual_map>` - Synchronized view of two maps in the same window. * - :doc:`FeatureGroup Subgroup <plugins/featuregroup_subgroup>` - Create Feature Groups that add their child layers into a parent group. * - :doc:`Float Image <plugins/float_image>` - Add a floating image in the HTML canvas on top of the map. * - :doc:`Fullscreen <plugins/fullscreen>` - A fullscreen button control for modern browsers, using HTML Fullscreen API. * - :doc:`Geocoder <plugins/geocoder>` - A clean and extensible control for both geocoding and reverse geocoding using different geocoding providers. * - :doc:`Grouped Layer Control <plugins/grouped_layer_control>` - Create layer control with support for grouping overlays together. * - :doc:`Heatmap <plugins/heatmap>` - A tiny, simple and fast heatmap plugin. * - :doc:`Heatmap with Time <plugins/heatmap_with_time>` - Create a time-aware heatmap. * - :doc:`Locate Control <plugins/locate_control>` - Geolocate a user over an encrypted connection. * - :doc:`Marker Cluster <plugins/marker_cluster>` - Beautiful, sophisticated, high performance marker clustering solution with smooth animations. * - :doc:`Measure Control <plugins/measure_control>` - Coordinate, linear, and area measure control. * - :doc:`Mini Map <plugins/mini_map>` - A small minimap showing the map at a different scale to aid navigation. * - :doc:`Mouse Position <plugins/mouse_position>` - A control that displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved over the map. * - :doc:`Overlapping Marker Spiderifier <plugins/overlapping_marker_spiderfier>` - Help manage overlapping markers by “spiderfying” them when clicked, making it easier to select individual markers. * - :doc:`Pattern <plugins/pattern>` - Add support for pattern fills on Paths. * - :doc:`Polygon Encoded <plugins/polygon_encoded>` - Draw a polygon directly from an encoded string. * - :doc:`Polyline Encoded <plugins/polyline_encoded>` - Draw a polyline directly from an encoded string. * - :doc:`Polyline Offset <plugins/polyline_offset>` - Shift relative pixel offset, without actually changing the actual latitude longitude values. * - :doc:`Polyline Textpath <plugins/polyline_textpath>` - Write text along polylines. * - :doc:`Realtime <plugins/realtime>` - Put realtime data (like live tracking, GPS information) on a map. * - :doc:`Scroll Zoom Toggler <plugins/scroll_zoom_toggler>` - Enable/Disable zooming via a button. * - :doc:`Search <plugins/search>` - A control for search Markers/Features location by custom property in LayerGroup/GeoJSON. * - :doc:`Semi Circle <plugins/semi_circle>` - Add a marker in the shape of a semicircle, similar to the Circle class. * - :doc:`Side by Side Layers <plugins/side_by_side_layers>` - A control to add a split screen to compare two map overlays. * - :doc:`Tag Filter Button <plugins/tag_filter_button>` - Creates a Tag Filter Button to filter elements based on different criteria. * - :doc:`Terminator <plugins/terminator>` - Overlay day and night regions on a map. * - :doc:`Timeline <plugins/timeline>` - Create a timeline with a time slider for geojson data with start and end times. * - :doc:`Timeslider Choropleth <plugins/timeslider_choropleth>` - Create a choropleth with a timeslider for timestamped data. * - :doc:`Timestamped GeoJSON <plugins/timestamped_geojson>` - Add GeoJSON data with timestamps to a map. * - :doc:`TreeLayerControl <plugins/treelayercontrol>` - Add a control for a tree of layers with checkboxes for visibility control. * - :doc:`Vector Tiles using VectorGridProtobuf <plugins/vector_tiles>` - Display gridded vector data (GeoJSON or TopoJSON sliced with geojson-vt, or protobuf vector tiles). * - :doc:`WMS Time Dimension <plugins/WmsTimeDimension>` - Create a time-aware WmsTileLayer.