```{code-cell} ipython3
nbsphinx: hidden
import folium
### Click-related classes
#### ClickForMarker
`ClickForMarker` lets you create markers on each click.
```{code-cell} ipython3
*Click on the map to see the effects*
You can customize the popup by providing a string, an IFrame object or an Html object. You can include the latitude and longitude of the marker by using `${lat}` and `${lng}`.
```{code-cell} ipython3
folium.ClickForMarker("Lat: ${lat}
Lon: ${lng}")
*Click on the map to see the effects*
#### LatLngPopup
`LatLngPopup` lets you create a simple popup at each click.
```{code-cell} ipython3
*Click on the map to see the effects*
#### ClickForLatLng
`ClickForLatLng` lets you copy coordinates to your browser clipboard.
```{code-cell} ipython3
folium.ClickForLatLng(format_str='"[" + lat + "," + lng + "]"', alert=True)
*Click on the map to see the effects*
If you want to collect back the information in python, you may (install and) import the [clipboard](https://github.com/terryyin/clipboard) library:
>>> import clipboard
>>> clipboard.paste()