# TimestampedWmsTileLayers Add a time dimension to a WMS tile layer. ### Exploring the WMS with OWSLib ```{code-cell} ipython3 from owslib.wms import WebMapService url = "https://pae-paha.pacioos.hawaii.edu/thredds/wms/dhw_5km?service=WMS" web_map_services = WebMapService(url) print("\n".join(web_map_services.contents.keys())) ``` ### Layer metadata ```{code-cell} ipython3 layer = "CRW_SST" wms = web_map_services.contents[layer] name = wms.title lon = (wms.boundingBox[0] + wms.boundingBox[2]) / 2.0 lat = (wms.boundingBox[1] + wms.boundingBox[3]) / 2.0 center = lat, lon time_interval = "{0}/{1}".format( wms.timepositions[0].strip(), wms.timepositions[-1].strip() ) style = "boxfill/sst_36" if style not in wms.styles: style = None ``` ### Map with WmsTileLayer and TimestampedWmsTileLayers ```{code-cell} ipython3 import folium import folium.plugins m = folium.Map(location=[-40, -50], zoom_start=5) wms_tile_layer = folium.WmsTileLayer( url=url, name=name, styles=style, fmt="image/png", transparent=True, layers=layer, overlay=True, COLORSCALERANGE="1.2,28", ).add_to(m) folium.plugins.TimestampedWmsTileLayers( wms_tile_layer, period="PT1H", time_interval=time_interval, ).add_to(m) folium.LayerControl().add_to(m) m ```