```{code-cell} ipython3 --- nbsphinx: hidden --- import folium ``` # Panes and CustomPane Panes are used to control the ordering of layers on the map. You can customise them using the `CustomPane` class. For more info on the panes Leaflet has, see https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-pane. First we'll load geojson data to use in the examples: ```{code-cell} ipython3 import requests geo_json_data = requests.get( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-visualization/folium-example-data/main/us_states.json" ).json() style_function = lambda x: {"fillOpacity": 0.8} ``` ## Map without custom pane We'll make an example to show how the GeoJson we add hides any labels underneath. ```{code-cell} ipython3 m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4) folium.GeoJson(geo_json_data, style_function=style_function).add_to(m) m ``` ## Map with custom pane Now we'll create a custom pane and add a tile layer that contains only labels. The labels will show on top off the geojson. ```{code-cell} ipython3 m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4, tiles="cartodbpositronnolabels") folium.GeoJson(geo_json_data, style_function=style_function).add_to(m) folium.map.CustomPane("labels").add_to(m) # Final layer associated to custom pane via the appropriate kwarg folium.TileLayer("cartodbpositrononlylabels", pane="labels").add_to(m) m ```