

A generic class for creating Elements.

Bases: Link

Create a CssLink object based on a url.

  • url (str) – The url to be linked

  • download (bool, default False) – Whether the target document shall be loaded right now.

class branca.element.Div(width: int | float | str | Tuple[float, str] = '100%', height: int | float | str | Tuple[float, str] = '100%', left: int | float | str | Tuple[float, str] = '0%', top: int | float | str | Tuple[float, str] = '0%', position: str = 'relative')[source]

Bases: Figure

Create a Div to be embedded in a Figure.

  • width (int or str, default '100%') – The width of the div in pixels (int) or percentage (str).

  • height (int or str, default '100%') – The height of the div in pixels (int) or percentage (str).

  • left (int or str, default '0%') – The left-position of the div in pixels (int) or percentage (str).

  • top (int or str, default '0%') – The top-position of the div in pixels (int) or percentage (str).

  • position (str, default 'relative') – The position policy of the div. Usual values are ‘relative’, ‘absolute’, ‘fixed’, ‘static’.

get_root() Div[source]

Returns the root of the elements tree.


Renders the HTML representation of the element.

class branca.element.Element(template: str | None = None, template_name: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Basic Element object that does nothing. Other Elements may inherit from this one.

  • template (str, default None) –

    A jinaj2-compatible template string for rendering the element. If None, template will be:

    {% for name, element in this._children.items() %}
    {% endfor %}

    so that all the element’s children are rendered.

  • template_name (str, default None) – If no template is provided, you can also provide a filename.

add_child(child: Element, name: str | None = None, index: int | None = None) Element[source]

Add a child.

add_children(child: Element, name: str | None = None, index: int | None = None) Element[source]

Add a child.

add_to(parent: Element, name: str | None = None, index: int | None = None) Element[source]

Add element to a parent.

get_bounds() List[List[float | None]][source]

Computes the bounds of the object and all it’s children in the form [[lat_min, lon_min], [lat_max, lon_max]].

get_name() str[source]

Returns a string representation of the object. This string has to be unique and to be a python and javascript-compatible variable name.

get_root() Element[source]

Returns the root of the elements tree.

render(**kwargs) str[source]

Renders the HTML representation of the element.

save(outfile: str | bytes | Path | BinaryIO, close_file: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Saves an Element into a file.

  • outfile (str or file object) – The file (or filename) where you want to output the html.

  • close_file (bool, default True) – Whether the file has to be closed after write.

to_dict(depth: int = -1, ordered: bool = True, **kwargs) dict | OrderedDict[source]

Returns a dict representation of the object.

to_json(depth: int = -1, **kwargs) str[source]

Returns a JSON representation of the object.

class branca.element.Figure(width: str = '100%', height: str | None = None, ratio: str = '60%', title: str | None = None, figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Element

Create a Figure object, to plot things into it.

  • width (str, default "100%") – The width of the Figure. It may be a percentage or pixel value (like “300px”).

  • height (str, default None) – The height of the Figure. It may be a percentage or a pixel value (like “300px”).

  • ratio (str, default "60%") – A percentage defining the aspect ratio of the Figure. It will be ignored if height is not None.

  • title (str, default None) – Figure title.

  • figsize (tuple of two int, default None) – If you’re a matplotlib addict, you can overwrite width and height. Values will be converted into pixels in using 60 dpi. For example figsize=(10, 5) will result in width=”600px”, height=”300px”.

add_subplot(x: int, y: int, n: int, margin: float = 0.05) Div[source]

Creates a div child subplot in a matplotlib.figure.add_subplot style.

  • x (int) – The number of rows in the grid.

  • y (int) – The number of columns in the grid.

  • n (int) – The cell number in the grid, counted from 1 to x*y.

  • margin (float, default 0.05) – Factor to add to the left, top, width and height parameters.


>>> fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 5)
# Create a div in the 5th cell of a 3rows x 2columns
grid(bottom-left corner).
get_root() Figure[source]

Returns the root of the elements tree.

render(**kwargs) str[source]

Renders the HTML representation of the element.

to_dict(depth: int = -1, ordered: bool = True, **kwargs) dict | OrderedDict[source]

Returns a dict representation of the object.

class branca.element.Html(data: str, script: bool = False, width: int | float | str | Tuple[float, str] = '100%', height: int | float | str | Tuple[float, str] = '100%')[source]

Bases: Element

Create an HTML div object for embedding data.

  • data (str) – The HTML data to be embedded.

  • script (bool) – If True, data will be embedded without escaping (suitable for embedding html-ready code)

  • width (int or str, default '100%') – The width of the output div element. Ex: 120 , ‘80%’

  • height (int or str, default '100%') – The height of the output div element. Ex: 120 , ‘80%’

class branca.element.IFrame(html: str | Element | None = None, width: str = '100%', height: str | None = None, ratio: str = '60%', figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Element

Create a Figure object, to plot things into it.

  • html (str, default None) – Eventual HTML code that you want to put in the frame.

  • width (str, default "100%") – The width of the Figure. It may be a percentage or pixel value (like “300px”).

  • height (str, default None) – The height of the Figure. It may be a percentage or a pixel value (like “300px”).

  • ratio (str, default "60%") – A percentage defining the aspect ratio of the Figure. It will be ignored if height is not None.

  • figsize (tuple of two int, default None) – If you’re a matplotlib addict, you can overwrite width and height. Values will be converted into pixels in using 60 dpi. For example figsize=(10, 5) will result in width=”600px”, height=”300px”.

render(**kwargs) str[source]

Renders the HTML representation of the element.

Bases: Link

Create a JavascriptLink object based on a url.

  • url (str) – The url to be linked

  • download (bool, default False) – Whether the target document shall be loaded right now.

Bases: Element

An abstract class for embedding a link in the HTML.

get_code() bytes[source]

Opens the link and returns the response’s content.

to_dict(depth: int = -1, ordered: bool = True, **kwargs) dict | OrderedDict[source]

Returns a dict representation of the object.

class branca.element.MacroElement[source]

Bases: Element

This is a parent class for Elements defined by a macro template. To compute your own element, all you have to do is:

  • To inherit from this class

  • Overwrite the ‘_name’ attribute

  • Overwrite the ‘_template’ attribute with something of the form:

    {% macro header(this, kwargs) %}
    {% endmacro %}
    {% macro html(this, kwargs) %}
    {% endmacro %}
    {% macro script(this, kwargs) %}
    {% endmacro %}

Renders the HTML representation of the element.